TouchDevelop Challenge - Scheme of Work
Scheme of Work
Scheme of Work (Mapped to the new programme of study for Computing in England)
touchdevelop_challenge_sow.pdf | |
File Size: | 146 kb |
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How students will be assessed:
- Research on existing mobile phone apps
- App proposal form (Functional Specification)
- Design documentation (Pseudo code / Storyboard)
- App coded in Touch Develop (With comments)
- Test plan (with results)
- Evaluation
Lesson 1 - Introduction to TouchDevelop: Turtle Power
Learning Objectives
- Understand and use sequence in an algorithm
- Understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR, WHILE and FOREACH loops)
The challenge:
In this gentle introduction to TouchDevelop, you will learn some basic code using the built-in turtle function.
Lesson Plan:
Lesson 1 - Turtle power
Step-by-step Tutorial (Opens directly in TouchDevelop):
Lesson 1 - Turtle Tutorial (Click on: follow tutorial in editor)
Lesson 1 - Turtle Tutorial (Click on: follow tutorial in editor)
turtle_power_tutorial.docx | |
File Size: | 419 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Once students have mastered the basics, they can have a go at designing their own shapes.
Click here to see examples created by students.
Once students have mastered the basics, they can have a go at designing their own shapes.
Click here to see examples created by students.
Lesson 2 - Introduction to TouchDevelop: My first script
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will write your very first script - a simple guessing game.
Learning Objectives
- Understand and use sequence in an algorithm
- Understand the purpose of variables
- Use variables
- Understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR, WHILE and FOREACH loops)
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will write your very first script - a simple guessing game.
Interactive tutorials (Opens directly in TouchDevelop):
Finding the tutorials difficult to follow? Try out these all new interactive step-by-step tutorials:
Tutorial (Hello World - Part 1) - Step-by-step tutorial
Tutorial (Hello World - Part 2) - Step-by-step tutorial
Tutorial (Guess my number) - Step-by-step tutorial
Finding the tutorials difficult to follow? Try out these all new interactive step-by-step tutorials:
Tutorial (Hello World - Part 1) - Step-by-step tutorial
Tutorial (Hello World - Part 2) - Step-by-step tutorial
Tutorial (Guess my number) - Step-by-step tutorial
Lesson 3 - Comments and lists
Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan:
Lesson 3 - Magic 8-Ball
Learning Objectives
- Understand the purpose of a list
- Create and call a list
- Understand the purpose of comments in code
Lesson Plan:
Lesson 3 - Magic 8-Ball
magic_8_ball_tutorial.docx | |
File Size: | 163 kb |
File Type: | docx |
1. Ask students to add comments to their script explaining how it works
2. Ask students to input all of the 20 classic answers. (See above) Hint: Students can change the answers if they wish however, they must keep to the format of 10 positive, 5 negative and 5 neutral answers
3. Challenge students to modify their script so that the 8-ball speaks the prediction out aloud using the Languages à speak text command. (See Chat-bot tutorial)
4. Challenge students to create an alternative version of the classic 8-Ball game in which the user has to shake their device (using the accelerometer features in TouchDevelop) to receive a prediction.
1. Ask students to add comments to their script explaining how it works
2. Ask students to input all of the 20 classic answers. (See above) Hint: Students can change the answers if they wish however, they must keep to the format of 10 positive, 5 negative and 5 neutral answers
3. Challenge students to modify their script so that the 8-ball speaks the prediction out aloud using the Languages à speak text command. (See Chat-bot tutorial)
4. Challenge students to create an alternative version of the classic 8-Ball game in which the user has to shake their device (using the accelerometer features in TouchDevelop) to receive a prediction.
Lesson 4 - Turing Test (Understanding IF statements)
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will make a chatting robot (ChatBot) using multiple if statements.
Lesson Plan:
Lesson 4 - Turing Test
Learning Objectives
- Understand and use sequence in an algorithm
- Understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR and WHILE loops)
- Understand and use selection in an algorithm (IF, Else and Else if)
- Understand why it is so difficult to create a computer that can seemingly think for itself
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will make a chatting robot (ChatBot) using multiple if statements.
Lesson Plan:
Lesson 4 - Turing Test
In App Tutorials (Opens directly in TouchDevelop):
TouchDevelop Turing Test - Creating a Chatting Robot (step-by-step tutorial)
TouchDevelop Turing Test - Creating a Chatting Robot (step-by-step tutorial)
chat_bot_tutorial.docx | |
File Size: | 224 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Lesson 5 - My first game
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will create your very first game.
Learning Objectives
- Know how to control sprites in TouchDevelop
- Know how to sense events in TouchDevelop
- Understand the importance of sound in games
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will create your very first game.
In App Tutorials (Opens directly in TouchDevelop):
Tutorial - Opens directly in TouchDevelop
Tutorial - Opens directly in TouchDevelop
tin_can_tap_worksheet.docx | |
File Size: | 249 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Lesson 6 - Using libraries
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a games using the pre-built game library.
In App Tutorials (Opens directly in TouchDevelop):
Tap a mole tutorial - Opens directly in TouchDevelop
Learning Objectives
- Understand and use libraries in TouchDevelop
The challenge:
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a games using the pre-built game library.
In App Tutorials (Opens directly in TouchDevelop):
Tap a mole tutorial - Opens directly in TouchDevelop
tap_a_mole_worksheet.docx | |
File Size: | 234 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Lesson 7 - My first app
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
In this lesson, you are going to create a mobile app to simulate the rolling of a dice.
Learning Objectives
- Know how to create a game board for a mobile phone app
- Understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR, WHILE and FOREACH loops)
The challenge:
In this lesson, you are going to create a mobile app to simulate the rolling of a dice.
In App Tutorials (Opens directly in TouchDevelop):
Tutorial (My first app) - Opens directly in TouchDevelop
Tutorial (My first app) - Opens directly in TouchDevelop
dice_app_worksheet.docx | |
File Size: | 188 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Lesson 8 - Reviewing existing apps
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
You need to research two different apps (one of these must be educational). This should give you some ideas for creating your own educational game or app.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the uses and features of different apps
- Describe the strengths and weaknesses of different apps
The challenge:
You need to research two different apps (one of these must be educational). This should give you some ideas for creating your own educational game or app.
team_role_cards.pptx | |
File Size: | 169 kb |
File Type: | pptx |
Educational games / apps
Example apps - A collection of sample games and apps to get you started.
Zondle - Some examples of educational games
Example apps - A collection of sample games and apps to get you started.
Zondle - Some examples of educational games
Use these documents to explore different types of apps. This will help you identify the purpose and intended audience for your own app.
app review template | |
File Size: | 38 kb |
File Type: | doc |
app review example | |
File Size: | 850 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Lesson 9 - Functional Specification
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
You need to produce a functional specification that describes the context, purpose and audience for your app. You will need to describe your app in detail.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the importance of the functional specification.
- Examine the specification details required for an app.
The challenge:
You need to produce a functional specification that describes the context, purpose and audience for your app. You will need to describe your app in detail.
Use this document to help you decide what type of app you are going to make.
project_ideas.pdf | |
File Size: | 504 kb |
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Use these documents to describe what your app will do.
Lesson 10 - Design
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
You need to produce a design for your app that meets the functional requirements and makes good use of multimedia design. It needs to include different multimedia components, some ready made and some you made yourself. You will also need evidence of prototype solutions, which have been evaluated and improved on.
Make great Windows Store apps - A guide to making great Windows Store apps.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the process of app design
- Consider the importance of good design
- Understand algorithms written in pseudocode or flow diagram
- Produce algorithms in pseudocode or flow diagrams to solve problems
The challenge:
You need to produce a design for your app that meets the functional requirements and makes good use of multimedia design. It needs to include different multimedia components, some ready made and some you made yourself. You will also need evidence of prototype solutions, which have been evaluated and improved on.
Make great Windows Store apps - A guide to making great Windows Store apps.
App Design Sheet.pdf | |
File Size: | 246 kb |
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app_design_example.pdf | |
File Size: | 936 kb |
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Lesson 11 to 13 - Creating the app (Coding)
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
You need to publish a fully working game/app with instructions for the user. Your code should contain the following:
TouchDevelop Tutorials - A range of tutorials courtesy of the TouchDevelop team
TouchDevelop HourofCode Tutorials - A range of tutorials created to support UK Hour of Code
Creating simple games - A short course on creating simple games courtesy of the TouchDevelop team
Creating simple apps - A short course on creating simple apps courtesy of the TouchDevelop team
David Renton's TD Tutorials - An excellent collection of YouTube video tutorials by David Renton (Extended Lecturer in Games Development, Reid Kerr College, Scotland) which focus on creating games using TouchDevelop
Ray Chambers TouchDevelop Curriculum - Series of tutorials for creating an educational game using TouchDevelop
TouchDevelop book - Your definitive guide to TouchDevelop
Learning Objectives
- Create an app to meet a design brief.
The challenge:
You need to publish a fully working game/app with instructions for the user. Your code should contain the following:
- Variables (local and global)
- Iteration (for, while or foreach loops)
- If statements
- Comments
- Functions (actions)
TouchDevelop Tutorials - A range of tutorials courtesy of the TouchDevelop team
TouchDevelop HourofCode Tutorials - A range of tutorials created to support UK Hour of Code
Creating simple games - A short course on creating simple games courtesy of the TouchDevelop team
Creating simple apps - A short course on creating simple apps courtesy of the TouchDevelop team
David Renton's TD Tutorials - An excellent collection of YouTube video tutorials by David Renton (Extended Lecturer in Games Development, Reid Kerr College, Scotland) which focus on creating games using TouchDevelop
Ray Chambers TouchDevelop Curriculum - Series of tutorials for creating an educational game using TouchDevelop
TouchDevelop book - Your definitive guide to TouchDevelop
Lesson 14 - Testing
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
You need to produce evidence of testing the project, both formative and summative.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the importance of testing
- Explore strategies for testing
- Understand and identify syntax and logic errors
- Select and justify test data for a program, stating the expected outcome of each test
- You need to produce evidence of testing your game/app, both formative and summative
The challenge:
You need to produce evidence of testing the project, both formative and summative.
Example Test Plan.pdf | |
File Size: | 69 kb |
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Lesson 15 - Evaluation
Learning Objectives
The challenge:
You need to produce an evaluation that measures the success of your app. The key question to answer is how well the solution meets the requirements. You must also identify areas for improvement. When evaluating your app, you should consider the following:
Learning Objectives
- Understand what makes an app successful.
- Examine the success of an app.
The challenge:
You need to produce an evaluation that measures the success of your app. The key question to answer is how well the solution meets the requirements. You must also identify areas for improvement. When evaluating your app, you should consider the following:
- Does the app function correctly?
- Is the app fit for purpose?
- Is the app suitable for the target audience?
- What could you improve?